Becca Hawk is a
hyphen-slinging, genre-slaying,
rhythm-driven writer.

Becca is a storyteller. Here's hers:

Becca Hawk is an advertising mad woman by day and it usually carries into the night. But when she can she puts her MFA in Creative Writing to use writing prose poetry, short fiction, illustrated narrative, and even a novel. Her work has appeared in Fiction Southeast, Cahoodaloodaling, and Juked, among others. She currently lives in San Francisco, but still finds herself writing about her former homes: Michigan and Arkansas.


She is currently seeking representation for her novel, We built this, an alternating POV he said/she said story of a couple trying to build a patio. With magical realism elements, he keeps a knife in his leg when he's low and she lives her life as if Woody Allen was filming it. Set in Arkansas (and in their own heads), the novel wrestles with how mental illness affects a relationship and when enough is enough — if it ever is.

Her poetry chapbook, Go home, you're drunk, is forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press. It's a collection of free-verse and prose poetry that takes the reader through the narrative of home — or lack there of — in different people and places the narrator finds herself. 

She also illustrates her hometown and other things. And recently started a fashion and lifestyle blog, Non Basic Blonde — and yes, she knows that name is techinically grammatically incorrect.

Inquiries can be directed to [email protected].